• Have any questions?
  • +9647822278550
  • alwrqa.org@gmail.com

About Us


The AlWarqa Organization for Skills Development is a non-profit organization registered in Iraq that aims to empower and enhance the skills of individuals, particularly youth, through various training programs and workshops. Their focus is on developing practical skills in areas such as leadership, communication, problem-solving, and entrepreneurship, with the aim of creating a more skilled and competitive workforce. The organization also provides mentoring and coaching services to support individuals in achieving their personal and professional goals.

Our Mission

Our mission at AlWarqa Organization is to establish an educational environment for information technology skills by offering courses and training programs to children and youth. We aim to cultivate information technology proficiency and logical thinking.

Our Vision

Our vision is to empower youth with digital and life skills, foster innovation, and promote global partnerships that enrich Iraqi communities, all while raising awareness about the importance of human resource development and strategic planning.

Our Events

Our Trainings

Our Trainings


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رئيس المنظمة

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